Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Bus-Airport Ltd.

Not easy are the military life in Israel. Not even for those who, most of the time, do what our dear global language often refers to as "nothing". Like me.

And so I found myself, in the middle of the day, sitting in an Internet Cafe' in the Central Bus Station in Jerusalem, called (how original) "Cafe' Net", drinking an "XXL" cup of Ice-Coffee and, well - waiting for a bus. How strange it is, when you actually think about it, that the Israeli transportation corporation, EGGED, has raised the marketing of public transportation to a state of art: Every big city in the country has a "Central Bus Station", which is actually a mall, but much more crowded and with all the shoppers messing around with bags the size of nuclear bombs. And then there are the platforms: A line of parking slots for buses, every one with a number, and a bunch of electronic boards showing the bus-lines' "boarding-times". Just like in an airport, but without the Duty-Free shops. And another difference: When you come down from a long bus ride you don't need to re-set your watch. But it doesn't mean you don't need to learn how to deal with language and culture differences...

So, until the next post - remember not to step on other passenger's feet or bags, and stop calling the driver's chair "cockpit"!

Monday, July 31, 2006

a non-consolation for a nonchalant start

I want to start this post, and this blog, with a not-so-consolating thought: I'm very sorry for myself. I will probably have to put hours and hours of thoughts for evry sentence I write in my blog, just to discover nobody reads blogs written in English by non-English speakers.

but still - writing in English is a good way of improving my skills at just that, so let this new experience start.