How do you start a blog? Write something about yourself, maybe? Or maybe just dive in and start telling the world and it dog about your crazy ventures, like my plan to publish an unofficial Hebrew translation for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" which, from my experience, would have been much more loyal to the original, and a higher class of language (not to mention less typing errors) than the official? Or is it better to go with a humorous essay in an attempt to draw audience, joking about why I decided to open a blog in English, when I have a perfect little blog in Hebrew (actually, it's pretty obvious - not enough potential readers)?
So untill you (and I) figure out an answer, remember: If London is flooded and 5000 people die in France every week, it doesn't mean you can't possibly conclude that the process described in "The Day After Tomorrow" hasn't necessarily begun yet (sorry, I saw "Shrek the Third" yesterday...)!
So untill you (and I) figure out an answer, remember: If London is flooded and 5000 people die in France every week, it doesn't mean you can't possibly conclude that the process described in "The Day After Tomorrow" hasn't necessarily begun yet (sorry, I saw "Shrek the Third" yesterday...)!
(p.s. - This was the original starting post for this blog, before I imported my older English blog into it)